Perjalanan e-hailing yang lebih selamat
Perjalanan e-hailing yang lebih selamat

Perjalanan e-hailing yang lebih selamat Suka atau tidak, COVID-19 telah banyak mengubah kehidupan kita – dari cara kita bekerja, berhubung, mahupun berjalan. Salah satu pengajaran utama yang dapat kita semua pelajari dari pandemik ini ialah betapa p
Faedah Menggunakan E-wallet Dengan PICKnGO

malah servis e-hailing. Menyedari betapa pentingnya kemudahan e-wallet ini dalam pembayaran digital, PICKnGO juga tidak ketinggalan untuk menyediakan kemudahan ini di mana pelanggan PICKnGO boleh memilih untuk membayar melalui beberapa e-wallet yang
PICKnGO – More than just a taxi

PicknGo – More than just a taxi The beauty of living in today’s world is that everything is made available to us so easily and conveniently with a simple tap. From planning your commute to work, to having something delivered to you – everything can
How to travel safely using e-hailing services

How to travel safely using e-hailing services Like it or not, the COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed our lives - from the way we work, communicate, or even travel. One of the most predominant lesson it has taught us all is that we have to be e
PICKnGO – More than just a taxi

PicknGo – More than just a taxi Top Benefits for Using Your E-wallet with PICKnGO 10 years ago, the thought of paying for something just by using your phone would seem crazy, almost impossible. But over the past few years, more and more people are a
Touch n Go Promotion

Promotion Details Promotion Period is from 1 July 2020 to 30 September 2020. Book your taxi ride to any destination at participating taxi counters and ensure the payment method for your Taxi Coupon/booking fee is through Touch ‘n Go eWallet. Users wi
PICKnGO partners with MUDAcare to provide vehicle sanitisation

Passengers who are thinking of hailing a ride with PICKnGO taxi or car can now do so with peace of mind as the operator has taken a preventive measure in their vehicle sanitisation. PICKnGO has collaborated with MUDAcare to introduce a comprehensive

因疫情关系,PICKnGO与MUDAcare合作推出了一套全面的汽车消毒配套,保证高水平的消毒效果,让乘客乘坐得非常安心。 受过训练MUDAcare工作人员使用静电喷雾器将该溶液施加到各个德士车辆表面上,该溶液是一种纳米级的基于二氧化钛的(N-TiO2)溶液,可杀死病毒,细菌和霉菌。 N-TiO2除了具有抗微生物作用外,它也是无毒的,并且已获得美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)的批准并获得CE认证,这意味着它符合欧盟的健康,安全和环保标准。 PICKnGO采取了额外的预防措施,因为事实证明N-Ti
MUDAcare jalankan proses nyahkuman untuk semua kenderaan PICKnGO

Mereka yang mahu menggunakan perkhidmatan e-hailing dengan teksi atau kenderaan PICKnGO kini tidak perlu risau dengan soal keselamatan dan kesihatan. Ini kerana kenderaan-kenderaan PICKnGO akan dinyahkuman dengan kerjasama MUDAcare. Kedua-dua pihak

现在,考虑叫车的乘客可以放心了,因为出租车运营商提高了卫生标准。 鉴于COVID-19大流行,PICKnGO正与MUDAcare合作推出一套全面的车辆消毒方案,该方案承诺在保持票价低廉的同时实现高水平的消毒。 MUDAcare公司训练有素的涂抹者将向选定的出租车上喷洒MUDAcare涂层,这是一种纳米级二氧化钛(N-TiO2)溶液,旨在杀死病毒、细菌和霉菌。该解决方案通过静电喷雾器应用于车辆的各种表面。 除了抗微生物,N-TiO2也是无毒的,并通过了美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)和CE认证,这
PICKnGO partners with MUDAcare

Passengers who are thinking of hailing a ride with PICKnGO taxi or car can now do so with peace of mind as the operator has taken a preventive measure in their vehicle sanitisation. PICKnGO has collaborated with MUDAcare to introduce a comprehensive